
Lebanese Embassy in Beijing hosts 'Lebanese

乌白马角网时尚2024-09-20 18:37:05 842 482

The Embassy of Lebanon in China hosted the "Lebanese-Chinese Student Cultural Exchange Food Fest," a unique luncheon dedicated to celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Lebanon in Beijing, on August 5.
Mansour Chaya, deputy chief of mission at the Embassy of Lebanon in China, (second from the left) poses for a photo with a Chinese girl during the food fest in Beijing, on August 5, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Lebanon in China

Mansour Chaya, deputy chief of mission at the Embassy of Lebanon in China, (second from the left) poses for a photo with a Chinese girl during the food fest in Beijing, on August 5, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Lebanon in China

The special event was organized in honor of the China National Children's Center. It aims to foster meaningful cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the Lebanese and Chinese communities. 

Mansour Chaya, deputy chief of mission at the Embassy of Lebanon in China said, "This food fest is not just about sharing our cuisine; it is about building bridges of cultural understanding and friendship. We are delighted to invite the vibrant Chinese community to experience the warmth and hospitality of Lebanon."

The food fest provided Chinese students with an immersive Lebanese cuisine experience, offering them an opportunity to explore and appreciate the diverse flavors and traditions that define Lebanese culture.

Through the event, the Embassy of Lebanon seeks to strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding between the two countries. By sharing the experience of Lebanese cuisine, the embassy hopes to create lasting memories and deepen cultural ties between the young people of Lebanon and China.

Lebanon is renowned for its vibrant lifestyle; a perfect blend of rich history, warm hospitality, and a love for delicious food.





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