
Village people’s animal house love

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Recently, a wild zoo on the Fenghuang Mountain in Enshi, a small city in Central China's Hubei Province has attracted Chinese netizens' attention on social media platforms. The zoo is different, as it was established on a previously wasteland by an animal lover. This villager has been loving, taking care and housing at least 15 animals for over 30 years, all by himself. Surprisingly, the animals in the small zoo include a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and giant pythons, which are among the first-class protected animal in China. It is the first local "government-assisted and civil-run" animal park. Here's how this amazing animal house works. If a nearby villager catches a wild animal by accident, they will turn to Luo, the manager, for help. Mr. Luo will later either raise the animals or release them back to the call of the wild, based on need. In the meantime, local kids will be able to observe closely. The opportunity for this animal interaction is only increasing. More private petting zoos have been erected in recent years - so has people's love of animals.
